Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Parking Lot Caching

Today was another absolutely GORGEOUS spring day in Columbus. The temp was near 80 degrees with a nice breeze and plenty of sunshine. Makes you want to put away the winter gear. Unfortunately there are predictions of snow by the end of the week. That's Spring in Ohio.
We spent a hectic (bordering on hellish) day at the zoo yesterday. The crowd and construction were overwhelming. Thankfully the company was grand!Today, we decided some low-key outdoor fun was in order. So we headed out to snag some quick park and go caches.

Here's Elf retrieving our first "target". And - it's actually at Target! Yuck, yuck. It was another tiny micro-cache hidden in the light. We felt like pros since we knew right where to look after finding another one like this last week. We signed the log and stuck a few tiny shells in the cache. I bought a bag of teeny shells for the little micros like these so that the next person has something to keep from even the smallest little caches.

We found another one up in the branches of a tree in another parking lot. That one took us about 10 minutes to find. It gave Elf and I a chance to work up a "story" in case anyone asked what we were doing. The story is we're homeschoolers working on a project. That or we just had to stop for an emergency diaper change for Taz. We figured either one should get rid of "muggles' pretty quick.

The last one was in the parking lot of an office complex. According to it's listing it was put there in view of the cache owner's office window so he could watch people look for it! Poor guy must have a boring job. We found it after a few minutes then all stood and waved at his window. It was too bright to see if he was there, but we did it anyway.

I had intended on one more stop, near a park with a playground. But Taz was getting cranky and I could tell nap time was coming. So instead we stopped at the Field of Corn that we passed on the way to the last cache. I remember the realtor showing me this while BG interviewed for the job that brought us to Columbus many years ago. I still find it just as humorous. Here are the kids in the field. They are either pretending to be caches or just trying to make me crazy. I choose to believe the former.

Oh, and for once I took a picture to prove I was actually there, too.

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